Week - 1
So April started off with a bang. Leah and I decided that our training had been in the toilet so we went out on a 10 Miler following the river. White water kayakers were out in force on the Contoocook. So that provided us we a few miles of entertainment. From the run it was a quick nap and scooting over to the Monarchs for the first time of the year as their season was coming to a close. The game was decent and we got to see some of the fattest people alive (outside of Walmart of course) in seats near ours. Sunday was a grand day. On the year anniversary of Rik, Sherpa and my adventure in Tennessee a small group of us set out on a trail mini-Barkley in Fox Forest. I would tell you more about it, but Leah did a much better job documenting it on her blog here and here. Needless to say it was some of the most fun i'd had in Fox in some time. And i look forward to being able to put on another one with more people in the future.
Week - 2
Weekend two kicked off with EMS club day and the Free Socks 5k. Last year the weather had been warm and the trails were clear exposing the roots and rocks, for Loni, Leah and I. This year, while the weather WAS warm, the trails were still icey and snow covered. Mandiee, Grant, Loni, Leah and I slipped and slid our way down the bike path and up the climb. The views were grand as usual looking back towards the Packs. After spending money that we didn't have on things we probably didn't need we were off to Mandiee's birthday gathering. After the show and food at a Japanese Steakhouse there were many a beverage consumed and more coffee table dancing. (2 months in a row!)
(Lisa giving me the business for turning off the radio)
Week - 3
After a week of rain and bailing on the hike the previous Sunday at Uncanoonuck the gang was excited to tackle Sunappee. Only Loni had hiked this trail before so the rest of us were in for a treat. Even more so when the "gentle stream" was a roaring brook. After 1/4 of a mile we came across a group of ladies that were butt scooting across the now roaring 10' wide river on a fallen tree. We decided to make our own trail for awhile before crossing on a Grant-made bridge. The photos don't do the trail much justice as the snow was anywhere from ankle to knee deep off the trail. This lead to many a post hole and cuts and scrapes. After a short lunch (well, snack) on the White Cliffs we made our way back down the slope. Frustrated at trying to jump from rock to rock and/or walk up and down the edge of the stream in hopes for a good crossing i gave up and just trudged through. Much of the rest of the group following suit. The water was frigged but the sun was finally out in force and we were shedding layers. It was a fun filled, splashy, awesome day to be in the woods.
Week - 4
Saturday I loaded up the boats for the first time of the year and headed to Farah Marsh with Loni and Leah. Loni had paddled here last spring when the water was high and we'd run by it on just about every Fatass we do in town, but i had never been out in a boat. It was pretty nice to be out on the water. The current had cut a deep channel that we followed upstream for awhile. Then, sharing a few cold ones while riding the wind and water back to the truck.
Saturday I loaded up the boats for the first time of the year and headed to Farah Marsh with Loni and Leah. Loni had paddled here last spring when the water was high and we'd run by it on just about every Fatass we do in town, but i had never been out in a boat. It was pretty nice to be out on the water. The current had cut a deep channel that we followed upstream for awhile. Then, sharing a few cold ones while riding the wind and water back to the truck.
Easter Sunday was supposed to be spent on the road. Most of the gang traveling to family events and the like. Me, i bailed on it all, with gas prices over $4/gal i couldn't justify the day-trip northbound so I started putting together my "Garden in the Sky." After Loni had grown some veggies in window boxes last year at her place i took that idea to the next level. White Onion, Garlic, Red-Green-Jalapeno-Habenero Peppers, Green Beans, Sugar Snaps and Radishes on my balcony. I'm sure i'll write updates as the summer progresses.
By The Numbers(2010 Numbers in Quotes):
Miles Run: 44.9 (36.3)
# of Runs: 11 (10)
Average Miles: 4.1 (3.6)
Month Starting Weight: 175 (170) Lbs
Month Ending Weight: 177 (172)Lbs
Weight Change: +2 lbs
Race Results:
Miles Run: 44.9 (36.3)
# of Runs: 11 (10)
Average Miles: 4.1 (3.6)
Month Starting Weight: 175 (170) Lbs
Month Ending Weight: 177 (172)Lbs
Weight Change: +2 lbs
Race Results:
Mini Barkley in Fox Forest -
EMS 5k for Socks - 30+/-
Motivational video of the month:
Song of the month:
Bouncing Souls - Ole
As a tribute to Hockey Playoffs and the Kick off of HPHL
Book of the month:
One of my favorite books to read to get amped up for the hiking season
Upcoming May Events:
1st - Muddy Moose 14
1st - Muddy Moose 14
7th - Wapack 21 Mile Fatass Training Run
15th - Cinco De Mile
28-29th - Pineland Farms (10k + 50k)