Friday, July 20, 2012

7 in 7 - My 2012 Summer/Fall Experiment

So as many of you know, i don't really have a medium pace (que dorky Adam Sandler song reference here).  With anything i do, i'm either in with both feet with everything I've got or I completely lose interest.  Hell look at this blog.  I update constantly then i see a shiny object and i'm off in another direction.

Well, to force myself back into shape and running I've decided to do something stupid.  OK, not really, but it's quite a personal challenge.  The goal is to run 7 ultra's in 7 weeks, in 3 states, and the kicker being that between two of the ultra's i'll be hiking approximately 60 miles on the Appalachian Trail, oh, and two shorter trail races that will conclude the WNHTRS just for good measure.

My adventure begins in Vermont where i'll be running 36 miles with the old guard of VT Ultra friends in the Moosalamoo Wilderness.   16 hours after the race, I'll be shouldering a 40lb backpack in Killington and hiking back to NH over the course of the following 5-6 days.

The following weekend (two days after leaving the AT for those keeping track) Loni and our small running group is hosting the Fox40.  A Fat ass event consisting of two 20 mile loops right in our backyard (Fox Forest).

One week later after a visit to Burlington to see the family and hopefully catch a Lake Monsters game I'll head to the top of Vermont to take on a brand new race at the Jay Peak Trail Running Festival.

Next up will be a bit of travel as Leah and I hit the road to PA where we'll take on the KTA's Super Hike.  An event that was washed out last year during the floods, I'm really looking forward to seeing some new trails and views.

After running a tough 5 miler in west leb i'll be off to Chesterfield NH to run around in Pisgah State Park for my usual pre-VT50 training run.  This year having two weeks between races is sure to boost the attendance for the well run, cheap, low key ultra.

With two weeks to go Leah and I will conclude the WNHTRS back in Lebanon on a course that i'm unfamiliar with.  Hopefully it won't beat the pants off of me because the following day i'll be doing a long slow grueling solo? 50k to keep the dream alive.  Where it will be, when it will start, and what the course is has yet to be decided.  If you are interested in joining me, please drop me a line

And finally, to conclude my test, I will be returning again to my home state to run my ever favorite VT50 in its 19th year.  I've watched this race go from a low key ultra, a walk in with cash day before with camping,  to it's massive current form of 300% the cost with the same or less in return.  Sure, i'm jaded, but it was where i started, so i will continue to support it....for now.  The course can be phenomenal or terrible depending on the weather.  I can't wait to see what mother nature throws at us this year.

So that's where I am and what I've got in front of me.  Stay tuned...It's going to be a wild ride!


leeapeea said...

I'm exhausted reading that, and I'm not even doing the ultra lengths on most of those events! Lots of sleep and water will be called for those 7 weeks. :-)

Jeff said...

Josh -

Thanks for your advice when we were running together during the race. If you would like to see my writeup of the race, google "The Middlebury Trailrunner", my blog where I mention you and your buddy.


Josh said...

Hey Jeff. Great Recap! And a pleasure spending the miles with you. Recap will post tomorrow (Wednesday 5th) You have been linked/discussed. Hope to share more miles with you in the future