Wednesday, April 29, 2009

PRs by Distance

(pre/during high school) - 18.47 – Fall 1997 - Essex Invitational
(Adulthood) – 21:28 – August 12, 2010 – Cigna/Elliot Corporate 5k

41:19.8 - June 28, 2008 - All Out Trail Run

52:36 – Aug 16, 2001 – Saunders at Rye

10 Miler-
1:20:54 – Aug 22, 2010 - Moose on the Loose

1/2 Marathon-
1:58:05 – Oct 4, 2008 – Applefest ½ Marathon

2:24:04 – May 11, 2008 - XTERRA Muddy Moose Xduro

(Road) - 4:21:34 – March 22, 2009 – Shamrock Marathon
(Trail) -  6:24:40 - November 15, 2005 - Stonecat Marathon

(Road) – 5:16:31 –March 22, 2009 - Shamrock Weekend (8k + Marathon)
(Trail) – 6:04:42 – May 27, 2007 – Pineland Farms

10:52:37 – Sept 30, 2007 – Vermont 50


Monday, April 27, 2009

2009 Ultra Preview

Peak Snowshoe 50 - DONE! Success!
Whale Challenge - DONE! Success!

Massanutten 100
Goal – Survive? (ok ok, i'd love to leave VA with a Buckle)
From what I've heard from my father(3 time finisher). What I've read on John's blog. And from what I've watched from the MMT DVD. I'd be happy to walk lifelessly over the finish line in 35:59:59. I think with "hell week" behind me. I might stand a chance. It's going to be one hell of a battle with my soul to will myself to keep moving forward when the times get tough.

Peak 50
Goal – Sub 14 hrs
It could have been achieved last year if my dad hadn't been horribly dehydrated mid-Blood Root Loop. This year we're going to hit it stronger and faster. Hopefully better prepared, both physically and gear wise.

Vermont 100
Goal - Buckle
After DNF-ing here last year I’ve got something to prove. This was where my season turned for the worse last year. My finishes and heart from here on out were pretty lackluster in 08. My father who has DNF’d here 3 times in a row now hopes to improve his recent streak of bad luck. Best case scenario i buckle, but i'd be happy to leave VT with a plaque if needed.

I’m taking the month of to consume copious amounts of celebratory alcohol from earning my two buckles thus far. *crossing fingers*

Pisgah 50k
Goal – 6:04:41
Will be my 8th time running the course. It never gets easier but i'm going to have more miles under my belt then any year prior. And perhaps with dryer weather i can set a new distance PR.

Vermont 50Miler – 10:30 (or sub 12)
My 10th year. Where i lost my ultra-virginity. This race means so much to me. Many memories camping in the parking lot, hobbling through the wonderful fall country side, counting the bike parts scattered along the trails. My goal is sub 10:30 because well....that'd be a PR so why not? The only way that perhaps will change is if i can get Loni to try to run her first 50 miler. If thats the case, i plan on finishing it by her side.

Run Across the State - ???
We shall see what the Running Gods have in store for me, but after putting in 50 miles with John last year i think i'd enjoy to log a few more out there. Try to take in a bit more of the state on foot.

Friday, April 24, 2009

I Run Therefore...REVIEW

I Run Therefore I am – NUTS
Bob Schwartz

I have to say I really enjoyed this book. It’s a very quick read. It is a compilation of 47 short stories that are broken down into 10 separate categories. From Training to Marathon-ing this book covered the gamete of running subjects. One of the big reasons I picked up the book was on the back cover it stated, “Bob Schwartz is the Dave Barry of running …” and it did not disappoint. Sure, perhaps you won’t learn any tricks on taking a few precious minutes off your time to qualify for Boston, but if you want a light hearted book that will make you smile throughout. And in several cases, probably make you blush, pick up this book.

My favorite part of the book was the runners 10 commandments. Commandment 5 seemed appropriate to follow specifically for ultra running.

“You shall not lose your poise or lose sight of your expected pace because of the excitement and adrenaline rush of the race. For to do so would assure you a rendezvous in the unforgiving valley of exhaustion, where darkness and discomfort shall follow you for all the miles of your race, and you will dwell in the house of agony for what seems like forever.”

Friday, April 17, 2009

Massanutten Mt Trails 100

Dear Josh Robert,

We have just moved you from the waiting list to the entrants list
of the 2009 Massanutten Mt Trails 100.

We will now deposit the check you sent.

You should now be on the entrants list at:

If you have any questions, let me know by replying to this message.

See you on May 15!

Happy Trails!
Stan Duobinis
MMT Race Director

Wooo! So after months of being on the waiting list it's finally official. In less then a month i'm heading back to VA to attempt to run another 100 with my father. I guess this means it's time for me to get off my ass and have my own "Hell Week!" Stay Tuned!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Overall Ultra Results

I liked John's idea of having a compiled list of Ultra Results through the years on his blog so I'm taking it (at least I'm giving him credit!)


Vermont 50 - October 1st, 2000 – 11:38:19

Pisgah 50k - September 16th – Results Lost
Vermont 50 - September 30th – DNF 32 Miles Hip

Pisgah 50k - September 22nd – Results Lost
Vermont 50 - September 29th – DNF 28 Miles Knee

Pisgah 50k - September 21st - 7:27:20
Vermont 50 - September 28th – DNF 32 Miles Hip

Pisgah 50k - September 19th - 7:53:00
Vermont 50k - September 26th – 7:13:10


Jay Marathon - July 30th – 8:41:26
Pisgah 50k - September 19th – 7:02:28
Vermont 50k - September 25th – 6:49:01

Jay Marathon - July 29th – 8:22:25
Vermont 50 - September 24th – 11:32:55

Pineland Farms 50k - May 27th - 6:04:42
Jay Marathon - July 28th – 8:09:55
Pisgah 50k - September 9th – 6:38:06
Vermont 50 - September 30th – 10:52:37

Pineland Farms 50 Mile - May 25th – 11:06:03
Peak 50 - June 14th - 15:08
Vermont 100 - July 19th – DNF 47 Miles Shin
Jay Marathon - July 26th - 8:31:46
Pisgah 50k - September 19th – 7:37:04
Vermont 50 September 28th – 11:30:23

Peak Snowshoe 52.4 – March 6th -7th - 15:28:12
Whale Challenge 50k – March 21st -22nd - 5:16:31
MMT 100 - May 16-17 - DNF - 64 Miles Missed cut off
Peak 53 - June 6 - 16:10
Pisgah 50k - Sept 13 - 8:02:13
Vermont 50M - Sept 27 - 11:59:56


Whale Challenge 50k – March 20 -21 - 5:22:31
Barkley 100 - March 27 - 1 loop - 15:39
MMT 100 - May 15-16 - DNF - 68.7 Miles (24 hours, just quit)
Pineland Farms 50k - May 31 - 6:04:42
Peak 54 - June 6 - 16:02
Pisgah 50k - Sept 19 -6:20:06
Vermont 50M - Sept 26 -10:53:15


Pineland Farms 50k - May 29 - 6:13:23
Peak 50k - June 4 - 9:13:55
Pisgah 50k - Sept 18 - 7:22:23
Vermont 50M - Sept 25 -11:44:43

Whale Challenge 50k – March 21st -22nd - 6:44:56
Pineland Farms 50k - May 29 - 5:52:03 (DNF 50 Miler)
Moosalamoo 36M((39-ish miler)) - Aug 18 - 9:41:46 
Jay Mtn Ultra 50k - Sept 2 - 8:06:31
Super Hike (28.4M) - Sept 8 - 9:58:11
Pisgah 50k - Sept 13 - 6:54:32
Vermont 50M - Sept 30 - 11:32:47

Hyner 50k - 7:50:33
Wapack 43M - 12:38:00
Pineland Farms 50k - 7:34:00
Peak 54M - 14:43:00
Vermont100 - DNF - 59miles - 17:11:37
Moosalamoo 36M - 9.:39:55
Hampshire 100k - DNF - 50miles - 12:04
Pisgah 50k - 7:57:19
Vermont 50M - 10:57:22
Pinnacle 50k - 7:29:00

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Va Beach Shamrock Marathon

Sunday March 22nd 2009

I nervously pace back and forth on Atlantic avenue wonder what lied ahead of me. I feel pretty confident, but still, I have never run a road marathon before. I have no idea what the next several hours of pavement will bring. The sun is shining, the projected temperature is the low 60s, I don’t think I could have picked a better day for my first Marathon. With only 4000 runners in this race I’m a lot closer to the starting gate at least. The gun pops and the race is on. I’m again surprised at the costumes. An 8k or ½ marathon sure, but a full 26.2 miles in tights, a tutu and a 2’ fuzzy hat just doesn’t seem fun. On the other hand, I’m running this race with a full water belt and a digital camera in my hand to capture the run in picture form.

Similar to the 8k course we run Atlantic to the south end, but rather going out onto the boardwalk we turn and go up and over the bridge south onto General Booth Blvd. for the next 4 miles. The pack, while thinning is still shoulder to shoulder 5 or 6 people wide when we reach the 3 mile water stop
At mile 8 we turn into Camp Pendleton State Military Reserve. As we loop through the barracks we are greeted with a row of soldiers cheering us on. They gave a group “HHHHUUUUUURRAAAA” as only men in uniform could give. It was pretty intense and the energy they exuded carried me for the next mile or two.
Back over the bridge I settle in pace with a woman from a few cities over. We talk about marathons and I find out that she’s more into off road sprint triathlons, and this is her second marathon. We chat about how the cross training that you need for those events really pays off when it comes to marathons. It was nice to be able to talk to someone that was having a good time. It helped the miles pass. At mile 10 we came upon the next water stop. I snagged a Gatorade and have to do a spin-o-rama around another runner who had stopped to drink her water. A few people caught the fancy foot work and cheered which gave me another emotional boost that I needed.

As I close in at the half marathon mark I find myself running north on Atlantic Ave yet again. Spectators line the street cheering the marathoners heading north and the half marathoners finishing. I snap a photo of a spectator cheering us on dressed up as Lady Liberty. She happily posed when she saw my camera
We now follow the same course that the half marathoners ran and where I saw Loni off 3 hours earlier. I cross the chip timer at the half way point at 2:07and change. My feet are hot from the pavement, but I feel like I didn’t go out too fast and I was pretty much spot on for my 10 min mile pace. In the big scheme of things my spirits were still pretty high. Heading north the lead runners of the marathon are flying back at me already completing the 13 mile loop I’m just starting. It’s what I expected but still a kick in the teeth. A huge sign hangs between a pair of pines in someone’s front yard, couldn’t help but make me smile.
At mile 15 at the south entrance of Fort Story there is a HUGE aid station. One tent featured just what the doctor ordered…BEER! I snap a photo and graciously accept a Dixie cup filed with refreshing brew. Grab a cup of water at the next table and quickly continue my journey.
The next two miles seem to drag on forever but as I approach the north entrance to Fort Story I hear a band playing in the distance. The Havers ( local irish/celtic band is rocking out. I sing along with a familiar tune as I run by. It’s just what I needed; I know at this point it’s a cake walk. I’ve made the last turn and it’s just a 6 mile trot in along the ocean front. 22 Miles in we run past the well known Cape Henry Lighthouse. I snap a photo of the camera guy as he snaps a photo of me. I tell him “right back at you!” His response cracked me up “yeah, but mines bigger!”
It’s around here that a local ultra trail runner Penny Matel catches up to me. It’s great to run into a fellow NH runner 700 miles from home. We share tales of our favorite New England Ultra’s and how we both made our way down to VA to run a road marathon. It’s here where we return to the Fort Story aid station where I snag the last beer filled cup on the table. Penny tells me she doesn’t know how I can drink beer while still running at our steady 10 min/mile pace. I joking tell her that if the college guys with the 30 rack of PBR are still playing ladder golf around 45th street I’m going to see if I can snag some from them too. As promised at 45th street I find the guys offering beer to runners and I accept willingly. “I pour, you drink,” he states, and tips the can over my salt crystallized mouth. I catch back up to Penny a block later and she tells me I’m crazy and that if she did that she’d be puking right now. I reply that even though I did it, it’s still not totally out of the question.

Penny tells me to run ahead because it looks like I’ve still got a ton of energy. It’s true, I still feel amazing. The pavement has been rough, but not as bad as what everyone always states. I tell her that we’ve run together this far and it only seems appropriate to finish side by side. We stroll across the finish line at 4:21:34 both with huge smiles on our faces. Grab our metals, goodie bags, and wish each other a safe trip home before we go our own way into the thousands celebrating their own accomplishments
I find Loni next to the awesome sand sculpture, she’s pumped. She finished her ½ marathon with minimal issues a few hours earlier in 2:48:25. Not to far off of her goal of 2:30, especially with the race the day prior. All in all, it’s been a great trip, two fantastic races and the weather couldn’t have been better. We lay on the beach, watch the band, enjoy the spicy stew and proceed to drink ourselves quite happy on the Yuengling Beer.
Marathon time - 4:21:34

50k - combined time - 5:16:31

We were treated to a perfect weekend of races. The races were top notch, to goodie bags and water stops well stocked, the volunteers were all amazing, and the copious amount of beer tickets certainly helped. I'm not typically a road runner but the whole experience of a St Patties Day Party surrounding two races has sold me on this event to say the least.

There has already been talks to our return to King Neptune in '10 to better our times and welcome another spring. Who else is in??