Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The Barkley Report

1 Lap, 1 amazing adventure

You know, I've thought about writing this up kind of like Sherpa had, and describing the course and the run itself. This race just has a air of mystery to it and I'm going to keep it that way but simply posting the notes i jotted down and the great quotes that still crack me up. If you are lucky and catch me on a good night perhaps I'll share the full stories with you too. Otherwise, i suggest you send in your application, bring a license plate, and see it all for yourself.

black couple with the sequin covered jackets and the truckers with the rebel flag hats
The freecreditreport(dot)com phone call
John's Brother's Follies
Smiley's Fuel City - Cigarettes, Soda's, & Showers
creepy 4' tall "sex" dolls
"Hi Boys, how yall doing"
lady with the "muffin top" on her shoe
"i'd like 5 five-pieces nuggets"

"Ah, Sheppard John"
" was Jesus, that's a good thing" *awkward silence*
"'that cat is sleeping'. ' Rik, that cat was not asleep!'"
Meth-Lab explosion houses
Churches ever 1/4 mile
The Cleanest Walmart ever (i.e. Bizzaro Walmart)
Best Subway ever, "Josh, look at this guy make that sandwich. IT LOOKS JUST LIKE THE BILLBOARD!"
No Cruising sign
Jesus Saves Motors
"Frozen Ed" - Sweet tights "i wear these to keep me awake"
"What are you thinking son?....'i'm thinkin' Arby's"
"Catholic church?!? Rik, you brought your kid to Barkley and then left him 1/2 way out there and he made it out alive. I think that's gotta be close enough."

It WAS in fact an incredible adventure. The amazing highs i felt at times out there, the fearful lows. The impressive climbs, the wonderful scenery. I'd love to go back. We'll see if that every plays into the cards again.

I could add so much more, but as the old proverb says, a picture is worth 1000 words. That means a 7 minute video has to equal a book right?

Thursday, April 8, 2010

March Recap

So to prepare to write my monthly recaps i like to re-read my previous months just to see what I've accomplished, what i haven't accomplished. How I've brought trepidations and feelings forward, or if i have reverted back.

March turned out to be a pretty amazing month as a whole. I traveled well over 3000 miles for races. I hosted the biggest St Patty's day blow out to date. I ran a marathon on snowshoes, on pavement, and at the Barkley (yes, 22 miles there). I guess there is something that has to be said for that. I broke my streak, but i felt like it was well overdue. Even though as John warned, I've now only run once (4 miles) in the last 12 days. Springtime appears to have officially arrived. I've been finally getting back into the woods and on old familiar trails and I've been loving every minute of it. I need to get my butt in gear or I'm sunk in May.

Book List:

Bad month for reading, many additional started, none finished.

By The Numbers:
Miles Run: 103.1
Miles # of Runs: 20
Average Miles: 5.2

Month Starting Weight: 175 Lbs
Month Ending Weight: 170 Lbs
Weight Change: -5lbs

Race Results:

Peak Snowshoe Marathon -10:15 (unofficial)
Shamrock Whale Challenge (50k) - March 20-21 - 5:22:31
Barkley - 1 loop, 20+ miles, 15:39

Upcoming April Events:
Muddy Moose 14
EMS 5k
Mud Muck Moose