Friday, May 7, 2010

April Recap

April was a really hard month for me. After all of the traveling in March i was burned out. I'd lost my spark for running all together. No matter how much i'd convince myself to get out and run. I found that cracking a beer, popping in a movie and laying on the couch with the cats was the better alternative. I found and then put in an offer on yet another house, only to have that also fall through. At least this time i didn't lose any money in the process, just more time. As springtime has bloomed around me and my friends have started packing in the miles I've done nothing more then spiral into a funk.

The only silver lining of the month physically is that Floor and Roller hockey are back in full swing and that keeps me somewhat active two nights a week. Additionally I'll be jumping into our corporate softball league when they need a sub as the early summer months roll on. So even if I'm not in my trail runners I'll hopefully retain some residual fitness.

The highlight of the month had to be the week between the Muddy Moose and the Mud Muck Moose when Leah, Loni and I decided that we were going to start a small running club to get the "club discount" at the then upcoming EMS Club Day. This "club" spurred some trail work in Fox Forest, with some clearing of existing trails and building of some rock bridges. Then we added the Puma Trail (0.1 mile) in the lot next to Loni's, and the Wandering Wolf trail (0.25 mile)across the road in Fox forest. They are a blast to run and were even more fun to make.

May is going to be a rough one. Massanutten is looming in my back of my head and keeping me up at night. I know i'm not ready, i'm not even close. Granted, last year, i had 1/2 of the training and still was able to leg it out for 64 miles. The thought of being 1 year older, 1 year slower, can i do it again? Can i go further? Will i actually ever walk away from one of these things with a buckle?

Only time will tell...

Book List:

Another bad month for reading, i think i read a total of 20 pages on the month

By The Numbers:
Miles Run: 36.3

# of Runs: 10
Average Miles: 3.6

Month Starting Weight: 170 Lbs
Month Ending Weight: 172 Lbs
Weight Change: +2lbs

Race Results:

Muddy Moose 14 - 2:58:42
EMS 5k - ??
Mud Muck Moose - 48:20

Upcoming April Events:
Massanutten 100 Miler
Pineland Farms Barefoot 5k
Pineland Farms 50k

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