- Finish a 100 miler
Year End update - Focus on boosting my mileage for the sake of boosting my mileage without the pressure of NEEDING to run a 100 in 2011.
- PR a 5k (22:02)
Year End Update - This WAS accomplished a short two weeks after writing the update. I'm pleased to say my new 5k PR is 21:28, and i did it by running for fun, with no watch, with no pressure, as a joke, in my five fingers.
- PR a 50 miler (10:51)
Year End Update -I thought i had achieved said PR as i sprinted towards the finish line at the VT50. Sadly the math was wrong in my brain. I crossed the line at 10:53:15, thinking i had made it, but after looking back at my results, 10:52:37 is STILL the mark to beat. And i'm confidant i can do it next go around
- Read a book a month
Year End Update - Ha! Well, this was a noble gesture on my part to really boost my reading again. Sadly, it failed miserably. And even now, in December, as daylight continues to dwindle, i find it hard to pick up a book and read. In a new house I constantly find something to work on, something to tinker with, something to clean. Hopefully this is something i can remedy in the coming year.
- Update my blog bi-weekly including month end updates on miles/fitness levels
Year End Update - I was doing pretty good about this for awhile. I'd have weeks where I'd Que up blogs. Others where i felt that i just didn't' have anything to say. So i didn't force it. I'm happy with the decision to not force things up on here. I'd rather have what's posted be pertinent and fun. I will continue to post month end blogs, it's too fun to NOT document the great times i share with my friends.
- Run more miles then beers i consume.
- Run 1300 Miles: (Year - 1300, Month - 108.33 +/- ,Week - 27 +/-)
Year End Update - Well this is still a bummer. Not only was i unable to maintain the mileage i was putting down earlier in the year, i didn't even come close. I'd say I HAD a big September, but that was where the track ended. After the Vermont 50 I have barely maintained ANY kind of consistency in running. It's something I will need to change if I hope to have any further success in 2011.
- Weight Train - 2-3 days a week...
Year End Update - Sadly this is another mark that I have missed. Life gets busy, things get busy. I haven't made it something i WANT enough. I'll get there, I'm making baby steps, and when i feel like i have something consistent enough to report on, i will.
- Thru-Hike the Greenway again. Or join D&H on the LT for a week.
Year End Update - Piece of cake. The week long excursions into the woods are slowly becoming one of my favorite things to do. It provides me with enough time to unwind and unplug from technology without sacrificing taking care of things at home. I'm hoping to do at least one week a year as a thru-hike adventure. Rumors of the AT section in VT in 2011. Stay tuned!
1 comment:
Great job on the PR, hon. It was amazing to watch you finish that one!
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