Monday, March 1, 2010

February Recap

When i wrote my January recap i said i was coming into February with higher hopes and positive thoughts. I was able to link 28 straight days of running, along with knocking out one ultra, and helping my running ladies get back on track with their training (Leah towards her first half marathon, and Loni to her first Snowshoe Marathon). But as February comes to a close i can't help but feel downtrodden. Part of me wonders if i just need a day off, or a day away, but i'm stuck in this holding pattern. I can't just quit running because I've got a lot of time and money invested into the early part of this race season. I can't just walk away from this house because if i leave now, i'm not only just out a couple of grand, but i'd have wasted so much of my energy in the last 3 months on nothing.

So i go towards March with a heavy heart, but there is a lot of positive that could come out of this. I've got 4 awesome weekends planned. This weekend i return to Peak to try battle Joe's Hill once again on snowshoes. A week later i'm throwing my 8th annual St Patties day party that is the biggest one to date. The 3rd week of the month i'm off to VA Beach to run in Neptune's shadow. The 4th weekend I'm heading to Tennessee to hopefully survive a lap at The Barkley. And to top it all off between my trips to VA and Tenn i'm supposed to close on this house.

This month is a make or break month. Either i'm going to stay positive and somehow juggle all of the stresses of training and trying to run 3 big time races, including all of the travel. The added stress of trying to buy this house. And the normal stresses of just life in general. Or i'm going to snap and go AWOL.

I just "Got to leave it all behind you, Give the sun a chance to find you, let it go."

Book List:

Born to Run (Audiobook) - Needed something to fill the miles. I recommend the audio book, it was well read and it was fun to hear someone else read it instead of how it sounded in my head

A Walk in the woods (Audiobook) - A well written story by Bill Bryson about his trek on the AT.

By The Numbers:

Miles Run: 102.3
Miles # of Runs: 28
Average Miles: 3.7

Month Starting Weight: 175 Lbs
Month Ending Weight: 175 Lbs
Weight Change: 0

Race Results:

NP, NP 50k+ - 6:40

Upcoming March Events:
Peak Snowshoe Marathon - March 6
Shamrock Whale Challenge (50k) - March 20-21
Barkley - March 27-28

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