Tuesday, July 27, 2010

2010 Goals - Mid-Year Update

As July comes to a close I can only reflect on how more then half of the year has passed and I've yet to accomplish MANY of my 2010 Goals stated back in January

  • Finish a 100 miler
Another DNF at MMT has really put a crimp in that plan as it was the only 100 I had planned on signing up for this year. Updated goal - focus on boosting my mileage for McNaughton 2011 in the spring
  • PR a 5k (22:02)
With 2 5ks past where I got to run with many of my friends past. And only 1 remaining on Thanksgiving, i don't know if this goal is reasonable any longer either.
  • PR a 50 miler (10:51)
This goal is still very attainable and i'd like to think i'll be able to do so come September at the Vermont 50
  • Read a book a month
I was doing well while there was snow on the ground. Since warm weather has hit it's been pretty pathetic. My only thought is if we get some early snowfall and i can make up for the lost time.
  • Update my blog bi-weekly including month end updates on miles/fitness levels
Same as the book a month. I WAS doing well, but have kind of fell off the wagon. Ideally helping crew at the VT100 and spending a week in the woods along the LT will help rejuvenate whatever I've been lacking.
  • Run more miles then beers i consume.
  • Run 1300 Miles: (Year - 1300, Month - 108.33 +/- ,Week - 27 +/-)
I figured i could combine these two. So far, i'm ashamed to say that i'm probably only 1:1 for my beer:mile ratio. It's nothing i'm proud of, and it's something I can work on. My goal is slowly slipping away and the mileage debt I'm creating is becoming insurmountable. Here's to a big August and a bigger September with Pisgah and the VT50 in there.
  • Weight Train - 2-3 days a week (After a co-worker ventured into the wild world of P90X and had me join him for only one work out, I've decided it needs to be part of my routine. Will i be knocking out a full 90 day routine? No way in hell. After doing just one nights exercise, i couldn't move my arms right for a week. A true sign of how ridiculously out of shape my upper body and core are.)
While it hasn't really been a "work out" a coworker approached a buddy and myself and asked if we would be interested in "The 1000 Push-Up Challenge" which is as simple as it sounds. 1 Month, 1000 push ups. Which breaks down to approx. 40 a day. No big deal, until of course you fall behind a day or two. In June, three of us participated and succeeded, now in July the number increased to 1200. As i write this I'm well ahead of that number with 1600 being my goal on the month. It's been a pretty simple task to add to an already hectic schedule and the results have been noticed by the people around me. I'd like to think that someday I'd find it comfortable to do 100 push ups a day for a month. I'll get there.
  • Thru-Hike the Greenway again. Or join D&H on the LT for a week.
Hurray, ONE goal I've actually accomplished!! I've not only finished my second Thru-Hike of the MS Greenway, when this posts I'll be mid-trip along the Long Trail. I suspect approximately 25 miles south of Killington Vermont. While the hiking hasn't counted in my running miles i'd like to think the time on my feet with a 40lb pack helped a lot at Pittsfield last month. And if i play my cards right I'll be able to carry that residual fitness into Pisgah and Vermont in September.

Here's to the rest of 2010!


leeapeea said...

it's ok not to read during warmer weather, dear, no worries. still- we can work on the other goals. at least distancing the beer:mile ratio. i'm gonna say same here, and i run way less miles than you. :-)

sherpajohn said...

I wanna help you reach that VT50 goal... whether it's crewing, pacing.. or whatever you need... I'm there. Just tell me. I'll even run the whole damn thing with ya.

Love the new sit look!